katharinemcphee(有谁知道由Katharine McPhee演唱的歌曲“everywhere i go“和“ordinary world“的歌词呀)

katharinemcphee(有谁知道由Katharine McPhee演唱的歌曲“everywhere i go“和“ordinary world“的歌词呀)
本文目录有谁知道由Katharine McPhee演唱的歌曲“everywhere i go“和“ordinary world“的歌词呀幸福晚点名中的大小ANN资料谁能告诉我《芭比之钻石城堡》中的《Connected Katharine McPhee》的歌词美剧《天蝎》女主角名字my destiny...
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    有谁知道由Katharine McPhee演唱的歌曲“everywhere i go“和“ordinary world“的歌词呀

    Katharine McPhee:Everywhere I Go
    歌词:It’s funny how you think you really know yourself
    Like you would never lose yourself to someone else
    And I was up to thinking it was all about you and me
    Silly, silly me
    I should have never listened to a word you said
    But I was always giving into promises
    I never should have gone for
    I should have never longed for you no matter how hard it gets
    And I want this to be over
    I so want this to be through
    In the end somehow it always comes back to you
    ’Cause everywhere I go
    No matter what I do, boy
    I just can’t get you out of my head
    So it annoys me
    He wasn’t man enough
    To come and tell me
    That I was never the one
    Like you said I was
    You could have told someone
    You knew that you didn’t love
    Me anymore
    If you had only told me how you really felt
    I could’ve put my feelings into someone else
    But I was busy thinking that was where I was supposed to be
    But there was something about you that I couldn’t resist
    Can’t put my finger on it but whatever it is
    I never should have stood for (stood for)
    Knowing you’re no good for me
    That’s the way it is
    And I want it to be over
    I so want it to be through
    ’Cause everywhere I go (’Cause everywhere I go)
    I want you out of my head
    I tell myself
    Get over you
    It’s so the right
    Right thing to do
    And just when I
    Thought I was done
    You pulled me in
    For another run
    I can’t take this
    I won’t take this
    I can’t do this
    I won’t do it
    Even if I know in the end somehow
    It always comes back to you
    So it annoys me (Oh, it annoys me)
    To come and tell me (to come and tell me)
    曲名:Ordinary World 歌手:Katharine McPhee
    The sun can’t remember how to shine
    And the colors all have faded into shades of gray
    There’s no life in this hollow heart of mine
    Ever since you went away
    Close your eyes and feel me hold you
    Can you lead me through this ordinary world
    Let the sky cry, restless rain to wash away the miles
    Between us, ’cause without you it’s just an ordinary world
    If time could find a way to turn around
    I would walk along the stars, till I was back at your door
    Every word, every word is spoken but without a sound
    And I found out what my heart is for
    Hold your breath, here I come
    Time to roll on mine
    Take back, to your arms
    Till we melt
    Underneath the blinding sun
    Can’t remember how to shine
    You’re the life in this hollow heart of mine
    Let the sky cry, restless rain to wash away the miles between us
    ’Till love can come redeem us ’cause without you
    It’s just an ordinary World


    双胞胎姐妹   演唱组合   大Ann   中文名:吴燕珊   英文名:Annelle   身高:168cm   血型:B   星座:射手座   个性:动静皆宜、表里如一   特质:甜美+可爱+柔媚   爱好:唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴   最擅长的舞蹈:芭蕾舞、Hip Hop、民族舞   最爱的歌手:Westlife、The Pussycat Dolls、Katharine Mcphee   最喜爱音乐类型:Hip Hop、R&B、Pop、Rock   最爱的乐器:钢琴   最爱的动物:狗狗   喜爱的运动:跳舞、跑步、游泳   最大的愿望:我爱的人和爱我的人永远幸福   小Ann   中文名:吴燕菁   英文名:Annice   身高:168cm   血型:B   星座:射手座   个性:天真开朗、活泼可爱、爱笑   特质:可爱+酒窝+大眼睛+魅力   爱好:唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴   最擅长的舞蹈:芭蕾舞、Hip Hop、民族舞   最爱的歌手:Westlife、The Pussycat Dolls、Katharine Mcphee   最喜爱音乐类型:Hip Hop、R&B、Pop、Rock   最爱的乐器:钢琴   最爱的动物:狗狗   喜爱的运动:跳舞、跑步、游泳   最大的愿望:实现我所有的愿望   广告拍摄   变靓D代言人平面广告   Mcdonalds麦当劳平面广告   Colour生活报之彩妆平面广告   Colour生活报之旅行平面广告   Colour生活报之CLUB平面广告   Colour生活报之芭比平面广告   娱乐周刊平面广告   1626周刊平面广告   少男少女杂志平面广告   屈臣氏梦苏打汽水电视及平面广告   喜视明电视及平面广告   电脑学习软件电视及平面广告   视联通电视广告   旺仔QQ糖电视广告   旺仔棒棒冰电视广告怡宝豆奶电视广告   欧德活脑素电视广告   怡宝蒸馏水电视广告   美菱冰箱电视广告   三元牛奶电视广告   圣元牛奶电视广告   火腿食品电视广告   移动通信电视广告   营多面电视广告   味大佳牛奶电视广告   聪聪杯电视广告   麦多精饮品电视广告   添美食电视广告   芬煌雪梅电视广告   龙珠糖电视广告   英才学校电视广告   房地产电视广告   教师节宣传片电视广告   演艺活动   广东电视台公共频道《影视无间到》节目主持   卡通片《梁家妇女》主题曲演唱者   与甄文达同游澳门吃喝玩乐“YAN CAN COOK”节目嘉宾   与台湾组合2MORO一起上节目“TV闪播客”嘉宾   李彩华广州签唱会主持及表演嘉宾   香港国际旅游展中国商旅频道节目主持   未来巨星颁奖典礼表演嘉宾   香港西贡欢乐游节目主持   未来巨星颁奖典礼拉票会节目主持   中环NO.9 Club之夜Fashion Show Model   MFG服装品牌Fashion Show Model   变靓D周年晚会司仪   变靓D庆典Fashion Show Model   力美健五周年晚会司仪   未来新闻主播擂台赛表演嘉宾   节目《好玩9394》户外Show主持   《拯救》电视剧友情客串   “IN一派“户外Show表演嘉宾   巴拉拉小魔仙片头主唱   比赛   2006年第三届IT代言人大赛IT TWINS特别大奖   首届“漂流宝贝“大赛季军   2005年第二届Reebok锐步啦啦队大赛“Reebok宝贝”称号、“最佳个人表现“奖   瑞丽封面女孩大赛(华南地区)冠、亚军   全国校际金钟奖舞蹈大赛一等奖   2004年首届Reebok锐步啦啦队大赛“Reebok宝贝”称号、“最佳个人表现“奖   市级校际舞蹈比赛原创双人舞获得金奖、最佳创作奖、最佳编导奖   首届全国中学生健康活力大赛全国第四名   广东省艺术节舞蹈比赛省一等奖   2003年广州市校际舞蹈比赛一等奖   2001年广州市迎九运活力舞蹈大赛一等奖   2000年“咏唱新世纪”歌唱大赛冠军   1998年全国少儿舞蹈比赛全国金奖

    谁能告诉我《芭比之钻石城堡》中的《Connected Katharine McPhee》的歌词

    I’m blind-folded on this carriage ride that they call life. Keep trying to make it through the next turn, knuckles white and holdin’ tight. So here I go, takin’ the curve, but I know that I’m never alone. I think of you, and how you never let me go. I feel connected (connected), protected (protected), it’s like you’re standing right with me all the time. You he



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