
大卫·米切尔David Mitchell

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 天蝎座
  • 出生日期:
  • 1965-11-08
  • 出生地:
  • 英国,伯明翰,莫斯利
  • 作品数:
  • 14部
简介 大卫·米切尔(David Mitchell)星座天蝎座,出生于1965-11-08 英国,伯明翰,莫斯利职业为编剧,Born in Moseley, Birmingham, England, and a life-long Birmingham City Football Club fan (known as 'The Blues', the working class tea m of the area). The son of a builder (deceased) and a homemaker (deceased), David (Dave) Mitchell began as an actor in theatre, performing at the 1989 Covent Garden International Street Artists Festival. His debut play 'ZooZooZoo' which he wrote, acted and directed was performed at the 1990 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. David studied film at Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was awarded a Master of Science Degree, before landing his...