
海拉·西尔玛Hera Hilmar

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 摩羯座
  • 出生日期:
  • 1988年12月27
  • 出生地:
  • 冰岛
  • 作品数:
  • 1部
简介 海拉·西尔玛(Hera Hilmar)星座摩羯座,出生于1988年12月27 冰岛职业为演员,Born in Iceland, Hera Hilmar studied at the prestigious LAMDA in London and has appeared in a broad spectrum of projects. Television credits includes ITV ’s “Leaving” directed by Gabby Dellal, “World Without End” directed by Michael Caton-Jones, “The Cliff” directed by Reynir Lyngdal, “Black Angels” directed by Oskar Jonasson and “White Death” directed by Einar Heimisson. Amongst her film credits are “Anna Karenina” directed ... Born in Iceland, Hera Hilmar studied at the prestigious LAMDA in London and has appeared in a broad spectrum of projects. Television credits includes ITV’s “Leaving” di...