沃伦·奥茨Warren Oates
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 巨蟹座
- 出生日期:
- 1928-07-05
- 出生地:
- 美国,肯塔基州,Depoy
- 作品数:
- 13部
简介 沃伦·奥茨(Warren Oates)星座巨蟹座,出生于1928-07-05 美国,肯塔基州,Depoy职业为,I feel most uncomfortable in a western role, because my image of the western man is John Wayne and I'm just a little shit.
[on Sam Pec
kinpah] Sam has always believed, and I believe rightly, that he is there to make the film and that anyone who stands in his way is dead. They're in deep, deep trouble. And anyone who doesn't come up to snuff and do their job absolutely perfectly is in deep trouble with Sam.Hopalong Cassidy and Ben Johnson have rubbed off on my life. That's about all I have to say.
[on Sam Peckinpah] I don't think he'...