里克·斯坦Rick Stein
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 摩羯座
- 出生日期:
- 1947-01-04
- 出生地:
- 英国,牛津郡
- 作品数:
- 3部
简介 里克·斯坦(Rick Stein)星座摩羯座,出生于1947-01-04 英国,牛津郡职业为导演,编剧,Rick Stein OBE didn't always harbour ambitions to be an award-winning chef. After graduating from Oxford University with a degree in English, h
e spent a few years running a disco before buying a nightclub in Padstow.Rick later opened a restaurant that specialised in fish (supplied by the fishermen who had once frequented his club). He has run the Seafood Restaurant for more than 25 years. Since those early days, the Steins have added other local restaurants, shops and a takeaway to their Padstow venture.
Rick has been received many awards for...