
艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔Alastair Fothergill

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 白羊座
  • 出生日期:
  • 1960-04-10
  • 出生地:
  • 英国,伦敦
  • 作品数:
  • 12部
简介 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔(Alastair Fothergill)星座白羊座,出生于1960-04-10 英国,伦敦职业为导演,制片人,编剧,Alastair Fothergill is currently an Executive Producer in the BBC Natural History Unit where he started in 1983. He has been an impo rtant part in creating many award-winning and globally important wildlife programmes, including the Natural World and Wildlife on One strands, and Reefwatch in 1988, where he was one of the team that created the first live broadcasting from beneath the sea and then went on to work with Sir David Attenborough on Trials of Life in 1990. His relationship with Sir David continued with the epic Life in the Freezer in 1993, celebrating the wildlife of the Antarctic, and...