
黎氏侠Hiep Thi Le

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 水瓶座
  • 出生地:
  • 越南岘港
  • 作品数:
  • 2部
简介 黎氏侠(Hiep Thi Le)星座水瓶座,出生于 越南岘港职业为演员,At the age of nine in 1979, the Vietnam-born actress and her seven year-old sister were separated from their parents and left their village in central Vietnam as bo at people. Their father and older brother had made the trip the year before and their mother stayed behind with her other children. The sisters lived in refugee camps in Hong Kong for three months where they were reunited with their father, then emigrated to California the United St... At the age of nine in 1979, the Vietnam-born actress and her seven year-old sister were separated from their parents and left their village in centra...