
马可·克罗伊茨派因特纳Marco Kreuzpaintner

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 双鱼座
  • 出生日期:
  • 1977-03-11
  • 出生地:
  • 德国,巴伐利亚,罗森海姆
  • 作品数:
  • 4部
简介 马可·克罗伊茨派因特纳(Marco Kreuzpaintner)星座双鱼座,出生于1977-03-11 德国,巴伐利亚,罗森海姆职业为导演,编剧,制片人,Life
Kreuzpaintner was born March 11, 1977 in Rosenheim in Bavaria, Germany. He studied History of Art in Salzburg. He
is a self-taught filmmaker with a background in film, advertising and music video production. He was the assistant to Peter Lilienthal, and then assistant to Edgar Reitz in 1998. In 1999, he assumed the role of German dubbing assistant for the Stanley Kubrick film Eyes Wide Shut.
In the same year, his first short film, Entering Reality, attracted attention at film festivals. In 1999, he founded the production company Die Filmmanufaktur with Ol...