魂斷巴爾幹 (2012)
简介 A lonely composer commits suicide in his apartment. By means of a webcam that the victim mounted on a tripod and pointed at the middle of the room, we are able to follow the commotion that subsequentl
y takes place in his flat. This original, low-budget movie, packed with snappy dialogue and functioning as a window onto the “Balkan mentality,” is shot entirely in one take.说说你为什么离开我
1993年 南斯拉夫联盟共和国 扎尔科·劳塞维奇 Milica Mihajlovic 留比沙·萨马季奇
2006年 塞尔维亚 Milica Mihajlovic Milos Timotijevic
2007年 克罗地亚 波黑 德国 Emir Hadzihafisbegovic Armin Omerovic
2001年 瑞士 Milica Paranosic Danijela Popovic
2008年 法国 Arno Hintjens ( Paul ) Ged Marlon ( Émir )
2021年 土耳其 察合台·乌鲁索伊 Emir Ali Dogrul Ersin Arici