混血儿Rica (1972)

  • 上映时间:
  • 1972年11月26日
简介 The movie stars Rika Aoki as an emotionally scarred girl hellbent on revenge against the men that made her childhood a living hell. Rica was born as the result of her prostitute mother being raped by American G.I.s and she herself was raped by one her her mother’s Johns at a young age. Rica soon gets mixed up in the criminal underworld where she spends her time brawling with thugs and trying to avoid jail for her criminal activities. In fact there’s only one underlying theme that seems to define her existance and motivate her to continue on: vengeance!


2024年 菲律宾 戴妮莎·加西亚 Rica Gonzales Richard Solano


2024年 菲律宾 Cess Garcia Rica Gonzales Matthew Francisco