我無曳 (2008)
简介 2008新加坡國際電影節參展電影 Official Selection, Singapore International Film Festival 2008 年青女作家Adjeng,日夜性格迴異,既是母親心目中的乖乖女,又是晚歸人的party girl。活在過去陰影下的雙面夏娃,壓制下的兩個人格。這位對朋友情人拳打腳踢的野蠻女,唯有在寫作中釋放自己。身為印尼已故大導演Sjuman Djaya女兒
,演員兼作家Djenar轉為導演,把自己的短篇小說改編而成的首作,電影中的才女可能是自身的投射,還有別有洞天的觀點,《我無曳》在新加坡電影節中發光發熱。 Haunted by the past, young writer Adjeng (Titi Sjuman) lives two separate lives. To her friends, she’s aggressive and strong, but to her mother, she’s passive and powerless. She writes to escape reality, but her mother’s objections hold her back. An award-winning author, director Djenar Maesa Ayu mak...粉红合约
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